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Research areas

prof. dr hab. Urszula M. Żegleń, PhD, DSc

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • Philosophy of Science
  • Problems of interdisciplinary research (sciences of science and cognitive science)
  • Types of methods
  • Nature of explanation
  • Problems of reduction, unification, integration
  • Philosophical issues in cognitive science
  • Mental content and representations
  • Knowledge representation
  • Personal identity
  • Research ethics

 dr hab. Arkadiusz Gut, PhD, DSc, prof. of the NCU

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • Within the Emerging Field, NCU (Institute of Psychology and Department of Cognitive Science), the team name: Perception, Cognition & Language (PC&L), four research groups have been distinguished. The leader of one of them, entitled CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT, is prof. Arkadiusz Gut (Department of Cognitive Science):
  • Reading comprehension in two very different writing systems (Polish vs. Chinese) in relation to cognitive-linguistic sub-processes occurring throughout life.
  • Research on the development and function of emotions and children’s theories of mind (ToM) in the perspective of specifically emerging cultural and environmental colloquial forms of behaviour and thinking.
  • Cultural determinants of social cognition: cultural learning and cognitive adaptations. Narrative studies of Polish missionaries in South America in intercultural environments.

dr hab. Tomasz Kruszewski, PhD, DSc, prof. of the NCU

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • study of the emotional reactions of people who interact with artificial intelligence (AI) services
  • testing the uncanny valley phenomenon in relation to humanoid robots working in the presence of humans
  • research on the level of anxiety of recipients of services provided by humanoid robots aimed directly at humans (with a variable in the form of types of AI work)
  • work stress for employees from the GLAM sector
  • cognitive content and emotion management in response to the professional tasks of employees from the GLAM sector
  • a proposed model of coping with distress in the work environment.

dr hab. Anita Pacholik-Żuromska, , PhD, DSc, prof. of the NCU

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • The use of non-monotonic logics in modelling the individual and social mind – project under the Emerging Field “Logic and Philosophy of Science”
  • The issue of mental representations (currently in the context of the philosophy of Kazimierz Twardowski and Roman Ingarden)
  • Self-knowledge and self-awareness as a result of social and embodied cognition
  • Pre-reflective awareness as the basis for shaping self-knowledge
  • Intentionality in self-awareness and attention
  • Psychological element of certainty
  • Social communication from the perspective of cognitive science.

dr Tomasz Komendziński, PhD

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • Within the Emerging Field “Perception, Cognition, Language” (PeCoLa) smart home for seniors (in cooperation with the National Institute of Senioral Economy) and BCI for research and communication (Polish-Japanese cooperation); consciousness disorders diagnostic stand (hardware project)
  • As part of the Neurocognitive Laboratory (at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Modern Technologies) – new competences and methods for research in the field of consciousness disorders and research on electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve (NCU, WU, JU)
  • Compassion, social bonds and resistance to traumatic experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic (international study – Polish group – NCU, SWPS University in Poznań; groups from 22 countries led at the University of Coimbra, Portugal) and the issues of compassion and mindfulness in general (NCU, SWPS in Poznań)
  • New competences for Society 5.0 and Artificial Intelligence for the Social Good, i.e. a man in the centre of sustainable development in integrated cyberspace and real space (long-term project, Polish-Japanese, Polish-Dutch, Polish-Italian-American cooperation)
  • Communication as sharing, communication in science
  • Interdisciplinarity and integration in science, incl. as part of the Science Bridges seminar
  • visualization of information and science within the group, as well as in cooperation with the Nowa Era Publishing House.

dr Paweł Gładziejewski, PhD

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • Within the Emerging Field “Perception, Cognition, Language” (PeCoLa) predictive cognition and coding tasks
  • Philosophy of science, in particular the philosophy of cognitive science
  • Models of explanation in the sciences of cognition
  • Explanatory status of mental representations (representations as internal models)
  • Explanatory status of predictive coding and the Free Energy Minimization Principle
  • Epistemological consequences of cognitive science (in particular, predictive coding)
  • Bayesian concepts of perception and the rational contribution of perception to cognition
  • Bayesian models of cognitive development and the construction of common-sense ontology: the rational (?) aetiology of the narrative “I”, the concept of physical objects and the concept of causality
  • Cognitive foundations of philosophical intuitions (e.g. regarding personal identity in time).

dr Daniel Żuromski, PhD

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • Social representations, inference and self-control.
  • Socio-cultural sources of mind (self-regulation, self-awareness, rationality).
  • Social sources of morality and cooperation.
  • How does symbol/language/communication affect cognition and mind?
  • Cognitive semiotics. The cognitive role of a sign/language.
  • Culture as a result of the accumulation and combination of cognitive resources.
  • Internalization: How do culture and social practices become the mind?
  • Methodological individualism in cognitive science and the Interpersonal Level of Explanation.

dr Adam Fedyniuk, PhD

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • Working on mHealth technologies and studying their impact on cognitive functions.
  • Application of social cognition training in the training of military personnel. The use of virtual reality technology and the examination of the range of possible applications of these types of solutions in various training conditions and military theatres is considered here.
  • The influence of the Proteus effect in the context of cognitive functions – continuation of research related to virtual avatars and their influence on the perception of physical properties of objects.
  • Modelling relational structures in the field of cognitive systems and their broadly understood functioning. (Knowledge engineering and design of social ontologies).

dr Anna Karczmarczyk, PhD

Current research projects and scientific interests:

  • The role of social factors and factors related to the experience of the body in the process of shaping self-awareness.
  • The importance of social interactions for early developmental forms of social cognition.
  • The relationships between pre-reflective self-awareness and consciousness – research on the so-called minimal self.
  • Conducting research in the “Cross-Culture and Cognitive Development” subgroup operating within the Emerging Field: “Perception, Cognition & Language” (humanities, social sciences and art).