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„[…] information – and all informational memory – hangs above us, almost invisible and almost intangible, but horribly real nonetheless; amorphous, spectral; it lurks somewhere, and yet it does not accumulate in any particular place”


James Gleick, Informacja, bit, wszechświat, rewolucja, Kraków 2012, p. 366.

The Department of Information Space Research of the Nicolaus Copernicus University was established in 2019 as a result of the merger of the Department of Scientific Information and the Department of Librarianship, Reading and Bibliotherapy. Currently, the Department employs nine people (one with the title of professor, three with a PhD, DSc degree, and five with a PhD degree).

Research interests of the Department staff are consistent with the field of social communication and media sciences and concern the broadly understood information environment, information users and scientific communication. Research undertaken at the Department involves both micro and macro problems. The researchers share an approach based on the paradigm adopted in contemporary literature on the subject, requiring the observed information phenomena to be explained in a holistic manner using a variety of existing research methods.

Classes conducted by members of the Department are directly related to the profile of the conducted research. At the BA and MA studies, these are classes primarily for students of information architecture, media studies, information management and book studies. At postgraduate studies, the subject of classes includes content in the field of information brokerage, information management and digital publishing. All members of the Department conduct diploma seminars, and independent researchers – additionally look after MA students and doctoral students.